Reverse Engineering Services
Let us help your ideas come to life
Reverse engineering is taking apart an object to see how it works in order to duplicate or enhance the object. The practice, taken from older industries, is now frequently used on computer hardware and software. Reverse engineering involves producing 3-D images of manufactured parts when a blueprint is not available in order to re-manufacture the part. To reverse engineer a part, the part is measured by a coordinate measuring machine (CMM). As it is measured, a 3-D wire frame image is generated and displayed on a monitor. After the measuring is complete, the wire frame image is dimensioned. Any part can be reverse engineered using these methods. If your part is too organic to reverse engineer (ie. figurines, busts, etc), we offer a 3D Scanning service as well.
If you have a broken part, or just something you need reproduced, we can reverse engineer it for you.
Contact us for a free consultation. We look forward to working with you.
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