Upload Your Files

Let us bring your ideas to life

Instantly Upload your files using the link down below. Using this option will give you an instant quote and ensure your file is ready to put on our printers.

Once you click on the link below, you will be guided through the upload process. It may take a minute or two to upload your files, so just sit back and relax while we do the owrk on our end. The turn-around time is usually 2-3 business days, depending on how big your print will be.

We look forward to bringing your ideas to life, and we hope you enjoy your new 3D print.

upload your model

If you prefer to meet us in person, feel free to Contact us for a free consultation. We look forward to working with you.

Contact Us

Check out our Gallery

Check out our collection of some previous work we have done. We have a wide range of skills so you will see a little of everything. We hope you enjoy.

NOTE: These images are for viewing only and should not be copied or duplicated for personal gain.

Need Other Services?

We aren't just a 3D printing company, we offer a variety of design and print services. We offer Rapid Prototyping, Reverse Engineering, Stress Test Analysis, Technical Drawings, Simple Animation, and General Design services. Whatever your design need may be, we can help.